Chiropractic is founded on the scientific fact that the human body is a self-regulating and self-healing system controlled and coordinated by the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and nerves). The function and health of every cell, tissue, gland and organ in the body is controlled by the nervous system and works harmoniously together as a whole. The nervous system acts much like a conductor of an orchestra, keeping all of the cells working together in harmony. The primary goal of chiropractic is to make sure the nervous system is functioning efficiently and effectively. A subluxation is a misalignment of the spine that disrupts and inhibits healthy function of the nervous system. Chiropractors are the only healthcare providers trained in detecting and correcting subluxations.
Restoring Neurological Balance
Chiropractors adjust the spine because the nervous system runs through the spine, just like water runs through a hose. If the spine is out of alignment (subluxated) the nerve messages running through it are disrupted and distorted. This affects the brains ability to send and receive messages to regulate the body. When the ability to regulate the body is diminished, healthy function is lost, and in time, symptoms of illness and disease become present. It is important to note that pain signals only make up 15% of total nervous system function. Unfortunately, many people make most of their healthcare decisions based upon pain and how they feel, neglecting the 85% of nervous system that controls bodily functions. For instance, many individuals who die of deadly heart attacks often feel fine the days leading up to the heart attack. Spinal misalignments (subluxations), like heart disease and many other health concerns are often present without us feeling any pain or discomfort.
Chiropractic: Health Care vs Sick Care
We understand that you cannot focus on sickness and disease and expect health and wellness to prevail. Merely treating symptoms and ignoring the cause of ill health is a harmful mistake that is all too common. At Innate Health and Healing we utilize the most state-of-the-art technology to measure nerve system function and asses for subluxation. Chiropractic Adjustments remove subluxations so your body can function effectively and efficiently.
We Live Our Life Through Our Nervous System
Everything we do on a daily basis we take in through our five senses. We see, smell, taste, touch and hear. Our brain then analyzes these incoming sensory messages we gather from the environment and sends relay messages back to our body making the necessary changes to survive and thrive in that environment. Essentially, our nervous system adapts us to our environment. For example, if it is hot outside we start to perspire to cool ourselves off. If we begin to exercise our hear rate, blood pressure and respiration increases. If we touch a hot stove, we instantly remove our hand. If it is dark, our pupils dilate to take in more light. If we encounter bacteria or virus, our immune system is activated. Many of these regulatory changes we aren’t even aware of. For instance, if we eat something sweet, our body responds by releasing insulin to lower blood glucose levels. If we cut our hand, clotting factor is released to heal the cut. ALL body functions (metabolism, hormone control, digestion, immune function, etc.) are directly controlled by our nervous system. If our nervous system doesn’t work properly, we can’t express optimal health.